New Owl in the House

Hello again! I just got an owl ( another stuffy or teddy ) Her name is Lucy and she makes a noise ( hoots and more hoots ) Almost my double-digit birthday. 10! I can’t even wait. I’m even doing the countdown. On 27 days! Good bye! I hope to get comments!!!!!!!!!!

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4 Responses to New Owl in the House

  1. Colleen says:

    10?! Wow! When you turn double digits, it is a very cool day indeed!

    I’m wondering where you got your new owl. I hope you’ll post pictures of her AND of your birthday celebration. I bet you’re starting to plan a party for your big day! Hope it’s AWESOME!

  2. Tina says:

    YAY for a new owl! And we’re counting down to your big day with you!!! Wish we were there to celebrate the big 1-o. Keep your eyes on the mailbox, sweetie!

  3. Oma says:

    Hi Connie
    I mailed your Birthday parcel today !!! It should get there in plenty of time for the BIG DAY !!!! I can hardley believe it — DOUBLE DIGIT
    love you , sweetie

  4. Erin says:

    What a fantastic name for your owl!
    We hope you have a fantastic TENTH birthday!
    love the Caldwell’s

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